Beef and Sheep
Beef and Sheep

Beef - Add value to your beef herd

Advanced Nutrition can provide your beef herd with the highest quality feeds, supplements and advice to help you maximise your herd’s health, growth rates and carcass confirmation. We aim to get your beef animals to their target weight and confirmation quickly and efficiently, so you can preserve your profits.

Animal health is central to the work we carry out with our clients. Whatever the market conditions, without healthy animals, profits cannot be maximised.

From calving right through to finishing, Advanced Nutrition can maximise efficiency and supply the right nutritional inputs to suit your system whether intensive or semi-intensive. It isn’t necessarily about adding cost but adding value.

Benefit your herd through:

  • Improved herd longevity
  • Shortened calving intervals
  • Increased weaning rate to give more pounds to take to market
  • Healthier stock requiring fewer treatments and reduced medicine costs
  • Increased daily live weight gain to slaughter
  • Get the most out of any available home-grown forage

Sheep – Protect your flock and preserve your profits

Advanced Nutrition can provide your flock with the highest quality feeds, supplements and advice to help maximise production.

Milk production, wool quality and lamb growth are all affected by the nutrient intake of the ewe during late gestation. This is a critical period, where the mineral status of the mother can also affect the lamb through foetal development. Minerals impact on many metabolic functions including growth and development, reproduction and immunity. Our experienced team will help you to maximise efficiency and supply the right nutritional inputs to suit your flock.

Animal health is central to protecting your flock and in return healthy animals will have a positive impact on profit.

Benefit your flock by producing:

  • Heavier born lambs that grow faster and are fitter
  • Lambs have stronger immune systems
  • Ewes lamb easier and milk better

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