We feel that by working with Advanced Nutrition, they are always looking at the bigger picture. They help us to plan ahead as well as keeping the Jersey herd running day-to-day. New ideas on management of the herd are always coming from Advanced Nutrition.
Forage – Increasing Milk Yields
On most farms, home grown forage is a key driver in maximising the output of the unit and also controlling the cost of purchased feeds.
A healthy cow relies on good forage. The cost of production and subsequently margin achieved can be dramatically affected by the quantity and quality of forage available. If there is a limited amount, purchased feeds are required to fill the void that it leaves. Home grown forage is one of the cheapest inputs on the farm compared to other feeds. Forage management and re-seeding policies form a key area where Advanced Nutrition can drive your farm forward.
We work towards maximising the quality and quantity of conserved forages, grass, cereals and maize on your farm as these play a vital role in the efficiency of the herd.
Grazing is also an integral part of the dairy unit. Identifying the right time to graze or not graze due to grass quantity is key to making sure the grass is not being wasted.
We are able to provide off the shelf as well as bespoke seed mixtures to cater for the most intensive grass cutting systems right through to the intensive and extensive grazing mixtures.
The benefits of working with us on forage include:
- More milk from forage
- Healthy, efficient, productive cows