Previous to Richard working with us we were struggling to get above 30/31 litres. Richard came in looked at the robot settings, the cow’s environment and nutrition. We saw an immediate response and an uplift in milk. We went from 31- 36 litres in very little time and it was down to Richard getting the diet right.
Liz Newman Discusses Heifer Rearing
Liz Newman Discusses Heifer Rearing At a Women in Dairy Yorkshire Meeting. The presentation included an essential overview of calf nutrition and housing.

A group from Women in Dairy, met in Yorkshire on Friday to listen to a presentation from Liz Newman.
Liz works as Advanced Nutrition's dedicated Heifer Rearing Specialist and was there to present an essential overview of calf nutrition and housing.
The presentation centred around the Advanced Heifer 24 program which considers the calves' environment as well as the 4 Cs:
- Colostrum management
- Cost effective nutrition
- Cutting down antibiotic usage
- Calving at 24 months
Liz talked about the importance of linking the calves' enviroment, such as housing and building layout with the nutrition in order to get the right results. It was also interesting to hear about the calving at the right weight at 24 months, the consequences of not doing so being very costly to your dairy business.
The group were involved in the discussions and were also shown some practical demonstrations including the benefit of using skim calf replacer over whey powder for better protein digestibility. The result of which helps to prevent digestive upsets and promotes optimum growth. Another demonstration was a smoke test which enables the farmer to see how the airflow is around the calves. The results of which will enable the farmer to see where improvements could be made.
Finally, Liz re-iterated the importance of colostrum and to remember the 3 Q's - Quality, Quickly and Quantity.
Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting.