Feeding for the Future

Feeding for the future. Lyn Smith discusses long term efficiencies and sustainability - key topics for the British Dairy Industry at the moment. Advanced Nutrition are poised to help their customers deliver on these long term goals...

Feeding for the Future

In a world with limited natural resources and a growing population, there is a rising demand for high quality meat and dairy products.

In 2050 the world population was estimated to be 9 billion

Before the Coronavirus pandemic, the growing world population, with its growing middle class and changing diet was likely to lead to a surge in demand for dairy products and both white and red meat. However, there are sustainability issues. These include scarcity of resources, food safety, animal welfare, antibiotic resistance, pollution, climate change and loss of biodiversity.

We only have one planet, and our global footprint has been exceeding the world’s capacity to regenerate by an estimated 30%. If we continue similarly to how life was pre the world pandemic, we will need the equivalent of two planet earths by the mid-2030s. Agriculture accepts its part in greenhouse gas emissions, with animal farming estimated to be currently responsible for 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions and the industry is innovating at high speed to deliver more from less. Efficiency is key, but efficiency without sustainability is not an option.

Feeding the Future

The world will need to increase its food production by 70% to meet future demands if we continue this trajectory while simultaneously reducing the environmental impact by half.

We know that worldwide productivity of farm animals is estimated to be 30-40% below their genetic potential, and therefore at Advanced Nutrition we are committed towards helping our UK famers become more efficient in producing the extra food required which in turn will make their businesses more productive and therefore increase efficiency and sustainability.

We know that ruminants are the only animals that can utilise forages that have no nutritional value to humans and turn it into a valuable source of protein as well as other nutritional benefits for human consumption. With an integrated approach it is possible to reduce the gap between genetic potential and animal performance, with a focus on the newborn animal right through to a producing adult, we can be more efficient but with less use of feed and resources and therefore help towards a reduction in emissions. At Advanced Nutrition we have a combined approach that looks at many aspects of herd management including, animal health, the environment, forage management, bespoke nutrition, and farm economics to make sure our future farmers have a sustainable future and a sustainable world to live in.

Advanced Nutrition Ruminant Specialists are fully trained to provide on farm consultancy and nutrition. We're also fully equipped to help our UK farmers with current environmental challenges they face.

To find out more about how Advanced Nutrition can help please call 015242 63139 or email office@arn-ltd.com 


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