The transition from parlour to robots was a big change to our business but it was reassuring to have Eoghan Mullery from Advanced Robot on board to push us and really maximise margin.

Superior Ewe Nuts
Superior Ewe Nuts have been especially formulated to offer high energy intakes yet minimise the volume of concentrate fed particularly to those ewes carrying twins and triplets. Furthermore the energy sources are split between various starch sources to help rumen function and balance.
Superior Ewe Nuts
It is important to manage ewe nutrition before the lambing season begins as this can affect the overall profitability of prime lamb production. The link between healthy lambs, good colostrum and milk production is undeniably linked to good ewe management.
A survey done by SACS revealed that 4 million lambs are lost the week before, and within a few days of lambing. The economic loss is estimated at £120 million to the industry. 55% of these losses were due to poor ewe nutrition.
What should you be looking for as a supplementation?
- Energy level >12.5MJ/kgDM
- DUP >5.5%
- Soya at least 6%
- Oil 4.5-5.5%
- Ash <9%
- Fibre <10%
- Protein – balanced between rumen protein and bypass protein (DUP) and at a level representative of the forage being fed on farm
The above attributes can be found in our Superior Ewe Nuts.
In lamb, ewes have increasing energy requirements in their last six weeks of pregnancy at a time when their appetites are decreasing and the only way they can be met is to ensure efficient rumen function. This means optimising dry matter intakes from forage sources and then supplementing with concentrate when necessary.
Superior Ewe Nuts have been especially formulated to offer high energy intakes yet minimise the volume of concentrate fed particularly to those ewes carrying twins and triplets. Furthermore the energy sources are split between various starch sources to help rumen function and balance.
The nut comprises of high quality ingredients with a spread of starch sources, sugar beet pulp, rape and soya.
- Energy level 13.00MJ/kgDM
- DUP 6.1%
- Oil 5.3%